Resort Recap: Le Blanc Los Cabos

Le Blanc Los Cabos


Adult’s Only

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After waiting what felt like years to actually visit this luxury all-inclusive, I had finally arrived…I’ve booked multiple sets of guests at this property, but I had yet to experience it myself…and now was my chance! I wasn’t going to let one bit of the luxuries that they offer slip by.


As soon as we arrived we were instantly met with a cool aromatic facial towel to help refresh us from the flight and drive. After being seated for our check-in, they then offered us the most delicious coconut milk to sip on as they placed heated neck pillows on our shoulders, and handed me a rose. {If a resort can make the check-in process this luxurious, then you can only imagine what else is in store.}

After check in we were encouraged to go out to the terrace as the whales were passing by. Los Cabos whale watching season starts in January and continues through March, however, they had a few early arrivals! We were able to view them in all of their majesty! What a greeting! I like to imagine that Le Blanc had a discussion with them beforehand and it went sort of like, “Look, a luxury trip stylist is on her way, and we’re pulling out all of the stops! Make sure you show up just as she’s arriving!” Honestly, you’re not going to convince me otherwise.

We were then escorted to our room by our private butler. For this particular stay, we chose the Royal Honeymoon Suite with an Ocean View. This room prices anywhere from $750 to $1050 per night, depending on time of year.  The room was perfect, and had it not been for the sun calling me, I would have snuggled up into the bed and never left!

Endless chocolate martinis for me!

Endless chocolate martinis for me!

The next few hours we spent out at the pool, enjoying cocktails…and churros. They are made fresh poolside daily! I lost count on how many churros I actually ate, but the staff that was preparing them knew my name by the time I left, if that tells you anything. It does get cool in the evenings in Cabo, so we spent quite a bit of the later evening in the hot tub vs the infinity pool that overlooks the ocean. Also, a fun fact, if you are truly an ocean person, then Los Cabos is not the best place for you. The ocean is not swimmable in many areas due to the very strong undercurrent, so if you enjoy taking a dip into the ocean, then let’s look at Le Blanc Cancun!

We could have relaxed all evening in the hot tub, with chocolate martinis, while listening to the waves crash upon the shores, however, dinner reservations were calling our name. Our butler had suggested trying Blanc Asia, and I can’t say enough about it. The moment you walk in you are surrounded by hand-blown glass adornments as the staff quickly starts recommending and filling your table with delicious entrees. I highly recommend the Akane Roll and their Chicken Pad Thai…if time had allowed, we would have visited this restaurant twice.

When our bellies were full we ventured out to find the night life. Le Blanc is more of a quiet, relaxing resort, however I was pleased to find that they do offer nightly entertainment. I was exhausted from a long day of traveling, so we settled for a nightcap on the terrace surrounded by live music and twinkling fire pits.

Le Blanc Bubble Bath

Le Blanc Bubble Bath

As the night closed we made our way back to our room, where I ordered lavender and chamomile pillows from their pillow menu. It was just what I needed to end my long day.

I awoke bright and early on day two as I had a morning sunrise yoga class scheduled…but first a bubble bath. Picture it….a jacuzzi full of aromatherapy bath salts and bubbles drawn by my personal butler. Is there anything more luxurious? I relaxed until the water turned cool and forced myself out and attend the yoga class. Le Blanc offers many options if you want to stay active during your stay such as aqua spinning classes, pilates, or weight-lifting at the gym. I’m not one that practices yoga often, yet, it just felt right to have this experience while on this stay. After our bodies were stretched and warmed up, we made our way to an ocean front breakfast at BlancOcean. I chose the Quinoa Bowl (white vanilla quinoa with strawberries and kiwi) and also the Pesto Chicken Tartine.

I was now ready to be completely pampered and indulge in the spa that Le Blanc had to offer. This resort is unique in that every guest has daily complimentary access to the resort’s Hydro-therapy Session. An entire blog could be dedicated to this water ritual that you partake in, I’ll try to keep it short and sweet. You begin by detoxing your body in the steam and sauna rooms, then you shock your senses by entering the ice room. You then rest on heated beds as you sip tea or chlorophyll water before relaxing in the whirlpools. After we felt we had relaxed enough we moved on to our four hands massage. I can not recommend this enough. This treatment involves a combination of three well-known techniques, the Swedish and Lomi Lomi, with a bit of Shiatsu, to reactivate and restore your digestive and circulatory system.

We decided to spend the remainder of our time that day at the pool, sipping champagne and eating our weight in guacamole. When it was time to leave I needed one more glass of coconut milk to drown my sorrows of leaving away. I was sad to be leaving, but I knew that other resorts were calling my name, and I must answer!

Vagablonde Aubree’s Guide to Le Blanc Los Cabos:

  • 3 hour direct flight from Houston, Texas, to Los Cabos, Mexico.

  • Le Blanc is an adult’s only resort. Guests must be at least 18 to stay.

  • The resort is an all-inclusive, which means your nightly rate includes all food, beverages, activities. (Rate is based on double occupancy).

  • Each room includes a personal butler. They are there to unpack and pack your luggage, draw a silky bath or create an ambiance with aromatherapy. Your personal butler is on hand to respond to your every whim.

  • Access to the daily complimentary hydro-therapy. The hydrotherapy area is a holistic 'health through water' treatment, inspired by traditional Greco-Roman rituals meant to provide a relaxing and stimulating feeling all over the body.

  • Sunrise Yoga- Start your morning off with a sunrise yoga session on a terrace overlooking the ocean. The personal trainer leads in a phenomenal flow yoga that wakes you up and brings you back to life. 

  • If you are ready to book this amazing resort, Click Here

Top 10 Tips for Travel to Mexico

After traveling to Mexico multiple times a year you pick up on a few things that make life so much easier!

So, before you head out on your next trip to this beautiful country check these things off your list!


Top 10 Tips for Travel

  1. Always pack a pen! There will be forms on the plane you need to fill out and due to Covid, airlines will not loan pens out.

  2. Pack your swimsuit in your carry on. If you get to the resort and your room isn’t ready, you can change in the lobby restroom and start enjoying the pool!

  3. Pack a mask! Most of the resorts do not make you wear them, however, they are required in the airports and on the planes.

  4. Do NOT throw the slip of paper away that you are given upon entering Mexico. This will be handed to you right after the immigration officer stamps your passport. You will need this when you go to leave the country. If you lose it, you will have to pay a fee.

  5. Pre-arrange your airport transfer before you head to Mexico. Your travel advisor will more than likely have taken care of this for you. If not, I highly recommend Lomas Travel. I travel to Mexico alone often, and I always feel completely safe with Lomas.

  6. Register with your Embassy! It’s not required, but it’s a great idea to let your Embassy know where you’ll be. If you’re an American you can do this for free with STEP (Smart Traveler Enrollment Program).

  7. Bring cash (small bills) to use for tips! For Mexico, I never recommend exchanging USD to Pesos, I just find it a hassle that isn’t worth it. As far as tips go, they are based on what you feel comfortable with. I always tip the bell boy and the daily cleaning staff. I bring money to tip the driver of our transfer. I typically find a waiter or the bartender (where I intend on being all day) and tip at least $10 for the day. Usually when you do this up front they keep your drink full! For the servers at my meal, I leave $3-$5. When I go for a spa service I generally tip at least $10-$15. If you have a local host or butler, I tip them on the upward side of $20-$30 depending on what all they have taken care of for me during my stay. All together, I generally bring at least $150 total all in $1, $5 and $10 dollar bills.

  8. Do NOT drink the tap water! If you’re visiting a resort, the ice and water you are provided while eating is filtered and safe.

  9. Make sure to check the dress code for the restaurants at your resort. Some dinner options require the men to wear long pants and closed-toed shoes.

  10. Do not forget to pack a portable charger, sunscreen, mosquito spray, headphones, a great book, conditioner (some resorts do not have this for guests), and Dramamine (or some form of anti-nausea medicine).

Smiling Through Grief

We giggled and smiled as we walked in…this would be the first time we saw our baby. I had gone in for a visit already, my levels were great. They were high and where they should be. I was sick, suffering greatly with morning sickness. I had strong food aversions. This was a healthy pregnancy, and we were about to see the baby we had wanted for so long.

I was anxious with anticipation, knowing that at 10 weeks we would see our baby swimming around and doing backflips. Knowing that we would leave with smiles and text our loved ones with the good news and frame the image of our first ultrasound…


We went inside, the nurse called us back, and we entered the ultrasound room. We were far enough along that we could do a regular ultrasound. She squeezed the cold gel onto my belly and we prepared to see our child. The one we had talked about for months. The moment that I saw the ultrasound on the screen, I could tell something wasn’t what it should be. There should be a baby….it should be moving. Instead it was void of movement. I vividly remember looking over at Aaron and saying, “I think something is wrong.”…

I wanted to brace him for what was to come. Even though I had never been in this situation, I know what a healthy 10 week pregnancy looks like on an ultrasound…and this wasn’t it. I wanted to take the blow for him. I needed him to know, before the doctor told us, something wasn’t right. I wanted to make this go away. I didn’t want to face this. I didn’t want to experience this. I didn't want him to experience this…especially with his first child.

Right after I said those words the ultrasound tech asked how far along we were. 10 weeks. We were 10 weeks, and I was certain we should be able to see our baby. I knew there should be a heartbeat. She opted to do a vaginal ultrasound, in hopes that maybe we were off on the date. I knew we weren’t. I knew when we conceived. The room was silent as the vaginal ultrasound confirmed what I already knew.

I’m not one that shows my inner feelings, so I pushed them deep inside me. As the doctor came in and gave us the news that we had figured out from the ultrasound, I smiled. It’s okay, I said….we’ll just try again. It’s not a big deal. I smiled at Aaron, assuring him I was okay. It was okay. Everything was okay.

But it wasn’t. I was crumbling inside. I was smiling through the grief that was tearing me apart.

I held myself together as we walked to the car. I held his hand. His constance assurance that he was beside me because I felt the earth caving in around me. Just make it to the car I kept saying to myself. Our baby was gone. The child we longed for. The baby we had planned for. We had names. We had nursery themes. We had a pregnancy announcement ready for the world. That baby was gone.

When we got to the car I melted. Every bit of pain I felt while in the office came gushing out. Our plans were shattered. I had never felt the emotions that I now felt. And the worst part was to come….our family was anxiously awaiting our texts…we had to relive it again and again and again. With every text we sent, we replayed the pain of the news we had just received.

We were no longer expecting.

Aaron held me as we cried. It was one of the most intimate moments of our 6 years together….both of us feeling a loss you can’t describe unless you’ve been there.

The next two days were a blur, but we had to pull ourselves together for Thanksgiving. If not for our other two children, we would have skipped the day and pretended it didn’t happen. How can you be thankful when you’ve just lost a child? We put on our happy faces though, we ate turkey and played games with the family. Our other children had no idea of our pregnancy or our loss…we had planned to tell them on Thanksgiving Day. Another blow that we were having to absorb.

The next few weeks for me are a blur.

I have never dealt with depression. Ever. Aaron has, and he’s the only thing that pulled me out of this dark alley I was headed into. I slept for days. Only waking when he would bring the kiddos home from school. I was a walking zombie. I went through the motions of howework as he carried the weight of dinner, sports practices, and bedtime routines. I was just a body…with no emotion other than sadness. I work a business that relies on my constant social media presence….and I was ready to let it crumble. I was drowning. But I didn’t want anyone to know. I smiled through the grief. We were fine. I was fine. Everything was great.

Except it wasn’t.

In fact, we were about to embark on a 3 month journey that we never would have expected.

We waited until the first week of December to insert the pill that would kickstart our miscarriage. See, our baby had stopped growing, but my body hadn't realized it. It was a missed miscarriage. Everything was normal…and yet our child had stopped growing. So, we needed to force my body into a miscarriage. I’ll never forget this day. Our miscarriage started around 11 AM. It was horrible. It was everything I assumed it would be….and the contractions lasted for a full 24 hours. Aaron gave me Advil, made sure my heating pad was working, and kept something on tv to distract me, he cooked dinner, he did homework, he carried the weight once again for me…I don’t know how women make it through this without a partner like I have.

When it was over, I wanted to put it behind me. Yet, I still found myself in this dark place .Having been here before, Aaron forced me to get up. He did it so kindly and gently that I didn’t realize what he was doing. Let’s go for a walk…he’d say. Just to get me out of the bed and into the sunshine. Let's go eat…just to get me to put on real clothes and out of the house…

But to everyone else…I was great. I was smiling through the grief.

Then came the days I dreaded. Aaron had to go back to work. I spent my nights with my mother or my grandmother….I couldn’t be alone with my thoughts. I needed constant distraction. Of course, the only person that knew this was Aaron… well and them. But they gave me my space. I don’t like to talk about things, especially tough things. I’m an avoider. They allowed me to avoid this in conversation and I am forever thankful.

Christmas came and went, and though I tried to take in those moments, I was constantly distracted with the thoughts of what might have been. I really don’t remember much as I was just simply going through the motions.

Things did start looking up around January. It was a new year…time for new things to happen. Our lives were starting to come back together…everything was starting to get better when…I hemorrhaged on my way to Houston for a meeting. It will probably forever hold the top spot on the scariest moments of my life. I’ve never imagined the way my life would end, but it certainly wouldn't be in a Target restroom in the Woodlands…yet it seemed that might be the way I went out.I ended up in Herman Memorial ER all alone….this is when we found out that I had in fact not passed all the tissue during my miscarriage that I should have. Thus causing the hemorrhaging.

During this time, Aaron was facing his own personal battle.

While at work he had his first ever panic attack. He had been so strong for me that he had failed to process all of this himself. Grief manifests itself in people in all sorts of ways. Unfortunately because Aaron had been taking care of me, he had been on autopilot for himself. It eventually all caught up to him one day on the oil rig….this just goes to show that the human body can only handle so much. We have to do better about taking care of ourselves.

Just when we thought life was leveling out we had to head back to the doctor to see what was going on and what our next steps were. We were prescribed another round of pills. Let’s see if my body would do what it should this time….

Another full day of cramping and bleeding…

When we went back for our ultrasound, we found out that we would in fact need a D&C. I was nervous, I had read all the horror stories of what could happen. What if things went wrong and I had to have an emergency hysterectomy? What if we could never conceive again? So many what ifs….

And yet, that was the only option we were left with.

On a Monday morning in February they wheeled me back for my procedure. I lost a lot of blood…but all tissue was removed….we could now heal.

I write this now in March….Four long months later as tears stream down my face. Why did this happen to us when babies are born to so many that don't deserve them?

I don’t have that answer, and I doubt I ever will.

I do know now that the sun does in fact shine again. That better days are ahead of us. That we are stronger now than we were before.

I still smile through the grief, but my smile is genuine. I am finally back to myself again. When I laugh it’s a real life. I finally feel like dressing up again and going out with my fiancé. I am seeing the positives things that surround us.

We will have our chance again. Though we don’t know when.

I promised myself when I had healed I would share our story.

In those moments of our miscarriage I felt so alone. I realized quickly that many women have walked this journey before….but no one really speaks about it. So, I write this for all those out there that have suffered alone. Those that have gone through this multiple times and you don’t want others to know. I write this for those that will go through this and you need the reassurance that the sun will in fact shine on you again.

I hope that our story leaves you feeling a little less alone.

Colorful Colorado

Breckenridge Tips from the Locals


At 12 my family started vacationing to Colorado. We spent every Spring Break until I was 21 skiing and soaking in the snow. We looked forward to it every year.

For years now I’ve wanted to start this tradition with my own children, this year we finally made it happen. We actually didn't wait for Spring Break…I can work my job from anywhere, so we’re able to take off whenever we’d like. We checked the kids out of school Monday night and flew out! We didn’t arrive in Denver until 9:30 PM, so we’ll skip over that day! I do want to take a minute and thank Jarrett Horton and Katherine Fitzsimmons for opening up their apartment and letting us stay….and also picking us up from the airport!

Now let’s get started with the good stuff….

Things To Do In Breckenridge (Besides Ski)

Day 1:

We started our day by renting a car….it’s my favorite way to drop $400 (sarcassmmm). Also, a little tip, I would go ahead and reserve the car before the day you actually need it…as to avoid paying multiple Uber drivers to get you back and forth to different car rental locations in hopes that maybe they’ll have a vehicle available.

Local Tip (from our Uber driver): There is an app called “Fluid Truck”. It’s similar to Turo, but without as many luxury vehicles. Both apps are peer-to-peer car sharing companies. They allow you to privately rent vehicles instead of going through a rental car agency. If Hertz hadn’t panned out, we would’ve gone with one of these apps. We honestly should have gone with them first…..but whatever. Live and learn.

Up until this point, our kids had never seen snow…in East Texas we sometimes get sleet….which we call snow. So to say their minds were blown would be an understatement. If you’re driving to Breck from Denver, make sure to take a moment and catch the frozen waterfall in Idaho Springs. It will be on your left! It was always a favorite of mine as a kid…and ours were amazed as well.

First stop: BoLD Breck, this place did not disappoint…you can expect to only be served cage free eggs, 100% pure organic maple syrup and their signature biscuits are freshly baked every morning. They also have a kids’ play-area stocked with books, toys, buckets of lego duplo, and a dedicated tv. Oh, and their Happy Hour is badass. I had the Falafel Bowl, wow, amazing…and a Bloody Mary. Everything ordered was delicious. The locals say it has the best breakfast in Breck, so we’ll for sure be going back to try the French Toast and Peanut Butter Cup Pancakes.

Local Tip: The shelves are full of books which can be purchased for $5 each. So if you see one you have to have, it can be yours!

The next 30-45 minutes were spent just exploring this cookie cutter town.

Second stop: Breckenridge Distillery Tasting Room. I’m all about tasting different vodkas, so when we found out Breck had a distellery I knew I wanted to try a few things. The Tasting Room is open from 11 AM to 9 PM and offer two shots for free. They’re $1 each after two. The Espresso Vodka is phenomenal with the best coffee aftertaste. Aaron loved the Spiced Whiskey. He kept waiting for the bite and it never happened, he said it was “Smooth AF” when I asked him to describe it. So there’s that. Clearly, he should definitely add “Whiskey Connoisseur” to his resume.

Third and final stop of the day: Target. I know. #basic….but we needed groceries. One way we keep cost down when we travel somewhere that isn’t “All-Inclusive” is by eating breakfast and sometimes lunch in our room/condo. So, we picked up the things we would need so we wouldn’t constantly need to eat out. I had to mention this stop because Texas needs to step their Target game up…come on, look how cute this is.

Now we’re back at the condo and resting up. We have a big day full of of activities tomorrow. When traveling with kids it’s important to not pack too much into one day. They get tired, then they get fussy, then everyone has a miserable time. Sometimes it’s good just to let them free play that first day and then schedule your fun activities for the next day.

Day 2:

First Stop: BreckConnect Gondola

A fun little 10 minute ride, this gondola will take you from Breckenridge up to the ski resort…and the best part, it’s free to ride. We stopped off at the TBar for chili-cheese fries, a Bloody Mary and hot chocolate while we watched the skiers and snowboarders. The kids are 100% certain they want to come back and give it a try!

Second Stop: Carter Park for sledding

Local Tip-Sledding is free at Carter Park

We were told by a local that while there isn’t a sledding or tubing park in Breck, you can buy a sled pretty cheap and spend hours at the park for free. We stopped by a little ski rental store and rented two sleds for $10 total. You can also buy them at the City Market for $9.99 each…but we’re flying home, so it’s pointless to buy. We spent the next three hours sledding our hearts away! We even got to see a Moose! Memories the kids will never forget! That’s what it’s about after all, right?!

Third Stop: Crepes A La Cart


Aka: Heaven on Earth. Oh. My. Gosh. Literally would fly to Breck just for these crepes. They were the perfect snack after hours of sledding! We will be going back here again before we leave! This time we ordered the Butter & Sugar Crepe (Aaron and Kai’s favorite) and the Vermont Crepe (mine and Paislee’s fav). The next time we go the Monte Cristo Crepe is on my list!

Local Tip: The cart is almost always packed! There is a sister location behind the post office! Many don’t know about it, and it’s rarely full!

Day 3:

First Stop: Frisco Adventure Park

Since we decided this would be a trip in which we didn’t ski or snowboard, we knew we wanted to take the kiddos tubing! This tubing park was amazing!!! It’s pay by the hour, and 1 hour was plentyyyy. A tip I wish we had known, wear goggles, a face mask, and thick head covering. Even though it was warm at the base of the tubing hill, at the top the wind blows the snow up into your face and it’s painful!

Second Stop: Bangkok Happy Bowl Thai Bistro

I never like to give terrible reviews…and all in all it wasn’t the worst place we’ve ever eaten…However, this will definitely be one we don’t go back to. This place popped up on both mine and Aaron’s Facebook as an ad. The reviews looked great…so we checked it out. Ehhh. I would give it a 3 out of 10. The sushi boat did look great though, that Vagablonde t-shirt looks even better…and you can’t ever go wrong with cold Sake.

Third Stop: Crepes A la Kitchen

I told you we’d be back to this yummy little place! This time the line at the original cart was all the way down the street! So, we went to that secret little second location!

Local Tip: Google says it’s closed, it’s not. For some reason they can’t get their hours to list on google, but the kitchen is open for business!

Fourth Stop: Isak Heartstone (The Breckenridge Troll)

Seriously the best local tip we received was this guy!

This 15-foot tall wooden troll sculpture is located on the Trollstigen Trail in Breckenridge, Colorado. He is tucked away where you can’t see him from the road, so we would have missed him completely if not for the locals! He was breathtaking! This is a must see if you’re visiting Breck!

Follow this link for directions to find him: Isak the Troll

Fifth Stop: Ice Castles

To put the crown on this magical trip, our last stop was to the award winning frozen attraction in Dillon, Colorado. The Ice Castles. This is an entire Ice Experience! It’s built using hundreds of thousands of icicles hand-placed by professional ice artists. The castles include LED-lit sculptures, frozen thrones, ice-carved tunnels, slides, fountains and much more.

Local Tip: Get there around 5:30, this way you get to see the bright blue castles shimmering in the sun and, after the sun goes down, you get to see them as they change colors with the LED-lights!

We had a blast on this trip with our little ones! Vacationing with kids is a lot of work…when you add in freezing temperatures and snow, it gets even harder. However, these are the moments they will remember forever. They will never remember the things we buy for them…but memories never fade. Breckenridge will always hold a special place in our hearts because this is where their first memory with snow was ever made.

For any travel requests, please follow the following link.

I am a travel advisor with Vagablonde Travel out of Houston, Tx. While we do book vacations within the states, we specialize in international luxury travel and destination weddings. Just follow the link and choose Aubree Johnson as your travel agent: Vagablonde Travel Trip Inquiry Page

Making the most of the Guadalupe River



There is so much to say here.

Aaron and I travel a lot. Like a lot, a lot. We’ve been blessed with the opportunity to allow us to get away and enjoy ourselves….we’ve been to the mountains, to the desert, and to the ocean…but there is nothing like the Guadalupe River and the Texas Hill Country….it’s fresh, cold, and beautiful.

We’ve been vacationing at the Guadalupe for four summers now…and honestly, if time would allow, we would go two or three times each summer. I don’t know what it is about it…but I just feel so grounded there. It’s my one time a year to recharge and relax. Everything is slow moving…except for the water. We have minimal plans and we can just enjoy each other. Honestly, if I were helping you plan a trip to the river, I would suggest not having a plan….just relax and let go. This is the one place you can do that.

Butttttt…..since you’re here, maybe I can give a few tips and favorite things about this place that we love so much…and maybe you can drop a few things for us to try the next time we find ourselves in Texas Hill Country.

Aubree and Aaron’s Guadulupe Favorites

For starters, we float the Horseshoe, right off of Canyon Lake. We’ve floated the Comal and the San Marcos…but we prefer the Horseshoe. The float in itself is around 2 hours, depending on the river…once we floated it in less than an hour…the river was rushing! Other years it’s taken us closer to three. We rent the same exact house every single year, and it’s smack dab right in the middle of the float. This could be why we love it so much. This gives us an advantage, we can float for about an hour, pull our tubes up to shore, run up to the house and grab some more food (cough, cough booze), run back and finish the float! Super convenient, right?!! I’ll check with the owner to see if I can give you the deets! However, just know….if I give you the details on this house and you all book it up…I’ll retract this entire blog!

We always, always rent our tubes from Shanty Tubes….if you stop by make sure to play the hook and ring game they have….I always play as we wait for the next bus to arrive! Just a tip…whether you bring your own tube or use one of theirs, it’s the same price. So, I wouldn’t bother with bringing that super cool tube you bought at the local Academy….because chances are, it’s gonna pop. How do I know? Because one year we tried it. This fun little tube rental place gives a discount for teachers and military…which I love!

My biggest piece of advice is this….You may be big, and you might be strong…but the Texas sun is stronger. Do NOT forget sunscreen….and don’t be one of those cool people that thinks you don’t need it…you do. Who you tryin’ to impress? The oncologist someday?

Also…my second bit of advice…take it slow when it comes to alcohol consumption. It. Will. Sneak. Up. On. You.and when it does, life will suck. In that big cooler you’re packing, make sure to throw in some water, a lot of water…and also some carbs. Carbs are good. Aaron and I learned this the hard way our very first year. The first day I had to pull him out of the river….the second day, well, I don’t remember…so there’s that. What we like to do is buy the small bottles of alchohol, the little mini size shots. Throw a few of those in our cooler, and then slowly sip on something else. This year I did the Truly drinks and he did Miller Light (his go to). Then every now and then we’d take a shot, followed by some water. Ohhhh, I know…someone here is thinking (insert your most southern, deep voiced, accent ever) “ You little wussies….I don’t need to be careful of my alcohol, I can drink you under the table. I’ll be fine”…..K, cool. The nearest IV Hydration Bar is in New Braunfels. Have fun with the hangover without it. Seriously, have fun…but be responsible.

Nextttttt….music makes the river so much more fun! We have an Excogear speaker we take every single year. It’s waterproof and it floats! So it’s perfect! We put it in our cooler tube (back on this in a minute!) and let the good times roll! It’s always a hit!

Now, for that cooler tube….If you plan on carrying a cooler with you while you float, which I would advise, you need to get one from your tube rental place! They’re cheaper than regular tubes and a whole lot less comfy! However, if your float does deflate (because you decided to not use my advice and take your own), you can float inside the cooler tube. It sucks…but it’s doable.

Now that we’ve covered all things floating, let’s talk about the best place to visit in the evenings….honestly, this could have a blog of its entire own…and perhaps I’ll do that…so I’ll make this brief.

Gruene, Texas

Do not miss out on this gem of a town.

Take a spin at Gruene Hall, so many musicians play there all throughout the year. Eat dinner at the Gristmill, you will not regret it. Order their jalepeno margarita if you’re feeling spicy. Experience the wine tasting at The Grapevine. Okay, okay I definitely will write a blog on Gruene in itself. You will fall in love with this small, little piece of history.

Now. Go. Adventure! Enjoy this beautiful slice of Texas that has my heart.