Making the most of the Guadalupe River



There is so much to say here.

Aaron and I travel a lot. Like a lot, a lot. We’ve been blessed with the opportunity to allow us to get away and enjoy ourselves….we’ve been to the mountains, to the desert, and to the ocean…but there is nothing like the Guadalupe River and the Texas Hill Country….it’s fresh, cold, and beautiful.

We’ve been vacationing at the Guadalupe for four summers now…and honestly, if time would allow, we would go two or three times each summer. I don’t know what it is about it…but I just feel so grounded there. It’s my one time a year to recharge and relax. Everything is slow moving…except for the water. We have minimal plans and we can just enjoy each other. Honestly, if I were helping you plan a trip to the river, I would suggest not having a plan….just relax and let go. This is the one place you can do that.

Butttttt…..since you’re here, maybe I can give a few tips and favorite things about this place that we love so much…and maybe you can drop a few things for us to try the next time we find ourselves in Texas Hill Country.

Aubree and Aaron’s Guadulupe Favorites

For starters, we float the Horseshoe, right off of Canyon Lake. We’ve floated the Comal and the San Marcos…but we prefer the Horseshoe. The float in itself is around 2 hours, depending on the river…once we floated it in less than an hour…the river was rushing! Other years it’s taken us closer to three. We rent the same exact house every single year, and it’s smack dab right in the middle of the float. This could be why we love it so much. This gives us an advantage, we can float for about an hour, pull our tubes up to shore, run up to the house and grab some more food (cough, cough booze), run back and finish the float! Super convenient, right?!! I’ll check with the owner to see if I can give you the deets! However, just know….if I give you the details on this house and you all book it up…I’ll retract this entire blog!

We always, always rent our tubes from Shanty Tubes….if you stop by make sure to play the hook and ring game they have….I always play as we wait for the next bus to arrive! Just a tip…whether you bring your own tube or use one of theirs, it’s the same price. So, I wouldn’t bother with bringing that super cool tube you bought at the local Academy….because chances are, it’s gonna pop. How do I know? Because one year we tried it. This fun little tube rental place gives a discount for teachers and military…which I love!

My biggest piece of advice is this….You may be big, and you might be strong…but the Texas sun is stronger. Do NOT forget sunscreen….and don’t be one of those cool people that thinks you don’t need it…you do. Who you tryin’ to impress? The oncologist someday?

Also…my second bit of advice…take it slow when it comes to alcohol consumption. It. Will. Sneak. Up. On. You.and when it does, life will suck. In that big cooler you’re packing, make sure to throw in some water, a lot of water…and also some carbs. Carbs are good. Aaron and I learned this the hard way our very first year. The first day I had to pull him out of the river….the second day, well, I don’t remember…so there’s that. What we like to do is buy the small bottles of alchohol, the little mini size shots. Throw a few of those in our cooler, and then slowly sip on something else. This year I did the Truly drinks and he did Miller Light (his go to). Then every now and then we’d take a shot, followed by some water. Ohhhh, I know…someone here is thinking (insert your most southern, deep voiced, accent ever) “ You little wussies….I don’t need to be careful of my alcohol, I can drink you under the table. I’ll be fine”…..K, cool. The nearest IV Hydration Bar is in New Braunfels. Have fun with the hangover without it. Seriously, have fun…but be responsible.

Nextttttt….music makes the river so much more fun! We have an Excogear speaker we take every single year. It’s waterproof and it floats! So it’s perfect! We put it in our cooler tube (back on this in a minute!) and let the good times roll! It’s always a hit!

Now, for that cooler tube….If you plan on carrying a cooler with you while you float, which I would advise, you need to get one from your tube rental place! They’re cheaper than regular tubes and a whole lot less comfy! However, if your float does deflate (because you decided to not use my advice and take your own), you can float inside the cooler tube. It sucks…but it’s doable.

Now that we’ve covered all things floating, let’s talk about the best place to visit in the evenings….honestly, this could have a blog of its entire own…and perhaps I’ll do that…so I’ll make this brief.

Gruene, Texas

Do not miss out on this gem of a town.

Take a spin at Gruene Hall, so many musicians play there all throughout the year. Eat dinner at the Gristmill, you will not regret it. Order their jalepeno margarita if you’re feeling spicy. Experience the wine tasting at The Grapevine. Okay, okay I definitely will write a blog on Gruene in itself. You will fall in love with this small, little piece of history.

Now. Go. Adventure! Enjoy this beautiful slice of Texas that has my heart.