Go Shawty, It's My Birthday (Month)

So, I’ve basically staked claim to the month of May. This isn’t a recent thing…this is something I’ve done for years. I don’t have just a birthday….or a birthday week…nah, girl, I claim the whole month….kind of…

Before we get started let’s go over what “Birthday Month” is….

Birthday month is, obviously, the month in which your actual birthday occurs. However, each day up until your actual birthday is included in the celebration. If your birthday is on the 1st of the month…I feel bad for you because that means you literally only get the first day (insert 99 Problems by Jay-Z here…). Don’t blame me….blame your mom…she should’ve kept you baking a little longer. My birthday is on the 22nd of May…so I get almost the entire month to claim as my own.

Now for a few details related to “Birthday Month” because I need you to understand the specifics….

This is for you.

This is not for someone else to buy you something or take you somewhere every single day of the month.

It’s actually pretty simple… anything you do, start, attend, or buy is for your birthday…whether anyone else realizes it or not. Everything you do during this time is to honor yourself and your birthday…from the small to the large. Making time each day to celebrate your life….whether that’s with a cupcake you normally wouldn’t buy yourself, or taking a trip you’ve never been on, or maybe setting aside 15 minutes a day for a relaxing bubble bath. It’s your month, damnit, so take advantage of it.

Now, I know, some of you are thinking, who has time for that??! Well, you do….and honestly, if that’s what you’re thinking at this point, then you, more than most, probably need this.

So, how did I celebrate it this year?

I’m so glad you asked!

I did small things like, making the time to visit the Farmer’s Market, when normally I would just say, “Oh, I’ll go later.”….I bought myself a cupcake, when normally I would say, “It’s too close to summer for me to eat this.” I bought new socks that were a bit more expensive than I would normally buy, I bought myself my favorite flowers, and so many more small, little things. I also did a big thing, like traveling to a city I’ve never been! We were in Vegas when I turned 34!

I soaked up every single day of birthday month….as I do every year. It’s the one time of the year you can be unapologetically selfish…I mean don’t make a habit of it…but, every single person deserves to be selfish at some point. I mean this is your one and only life, right? So, why not take the month of your birthday to enjoy every second.

So, maybe you’re new to this and need some ideas. Well, you’re in luck! I’ve made a list just in case you need some help thinking of ways to celebrate. Now, if you’re like me and you’re a big self-care person already, some of these may not be “special”. For instance, I take long, hot, bubble baths 5 to 6 times a week..so, that’s not really a “treat” for me…but, it may be for you!

Now without further ado….”Birthday Month Ideas”

  • Send yourself flowers…or go grab a bouquet from a local store, put them in a pretty vase and display them. I promise they will brighten your day.

  • Splurge on a new bath bomb or bubble bath and relax in the tub! Lock the door, put on headphones, and ignore the children. Or, just wait until they fall asleep….that’s the safer option.

  • Buy that cupcake you’ve been eyeing. Or instead of the regular candy bar you treat yourself to, upgrade to the more expensive version….and don’t share with anyone. Even if you have to eat it in the bathroom with the door locked. Look, a mom has to do what a mom has to do.

  • Stop at the Farmer’s Market and walk around.

  • Sign up for that 5k you’ve been wanting to do.

  • Take a walk, just get away for 20 minutes with headphones on.

  • Pay someone to clean your house. This is a huge one. Stop letting the dishes and laundry drive you crazy! Pay someone to clean it for you, and while they do that, go sit at the local coffee shop. I mean, it’s your birthday month…you shouldn’t have to clean.

  • Have someone do a makeover on you. Chances are you have a friend that sells makeup, I’m certain she would love to showcase her products on you!

  • Take yourself to that restaurant you’ve been dying to go to. Don’t wait on your significant other to book reservations, just do it yourself! Then let them know what time y’all need to be there.

  • Go sit out by the lake, or ocean, or somewhere that you can clear your head and read…or just think.

  • Start a new book or journal.

  • Book a massage, or pedicure, or manicure….or hell, do all three.

  • Buy yourself new panties…those always make me feel like a new person.

  • Bake yourself a cake.

  • Get a babysitter and go do whatever you want!

  • Take a trip! We went to Vegas this year (blog coming soon about that!) because I had never been!

  • Plan a movie night with all your favorite movies.

  • Make a birthday month playlist with all your favorite songs and jam the heck out of it every time you’re in the car….even if your kids complain. They may not know who Britney Spears is yet, but they’re gonna learn quick.

  • Start at that new gym, or workout class, you’ve been meaning to start.

  • Sign up for a cooking class, or art class, or any type of class!

  • Go hiking

  • Go kayaking or stand up paddle boarding…better yet, go stand up paddle boarding while drinking wine. Now that’s a party.

There are no rules on how you should celebrate your month. The key is that you celebrate your life! We shouldn’t wait for others to celebrate us. I feel like when we do that, we allow for disappointment because they may not celebrate us in the way we think they should. So, instead, celebrate yourself! Then you’ll never be disappointed.

I celebrate my birthday because it’s another year I get with the people I love.

I celebrate because someone somewhere is taking their last breath and they don’t get the chance to celebrate.

I celebrate because I’m insanely blessed to have this life.

…..and so should you.