Go Shawty, It's My Birthday (Month)

So, I’ve basically staked claim to the month of May. This isn’t a recent thing…this is something I’ve done for years. I don’t have just a birthday….or a birthday week…nah, girl, I claim the whole month….kind of…

Before we get started let’s go over what “Birthday Month” is….

Birthday month is, obviously, the month in which your actual birthday occurs. However, each day up until your actual birthday is included in the celebration. If your birthday is on the 1st of the month…I feel bad for you because that means you literally only get the first day (insert 99 Problems by Jay-Z here…). Don’t blame me….blame your mom…she should’ve kept you baking a little longer. My birthday is on the 22nd of May…so I get almost the entire month to claim as my own.

Now for a few details related to “Birthday Month” because I need you to understand the specifics….

This is for you.

This is not for someone else to buy you something or take you somewhere every single day of the month.

It’s actually pretty simple… anything you do, start, attend, or buy is for your birthday…whether anyone else realizes it or not. Everything you do during this time is to honor yourself and your birthday…from the small to the large. Making time each day to celebrate your life….whether that’s with a cupcake you normally wouldn’t buy yourself, or taking a trip you’ve never been on, or maybe setting aside 15 minutes a day for a relaxing bubble bath. It’s your month, damnit, so take advantage of it.

Now, I know, some of you are thinking, who has time for that??! Well, you do….and honestly, if that’s what you’re thinking at this point, then you, more than most, probably need this.

So, how did I celebrate it this year?

I’m so glad you asked!

I did small things like, making the time to visit the Farmer’s Market, when normally I would just say, “Oh, I’ll go later.”….I bought myself a cupcake, when normally I would say, “It’s too close to summer for me to eat this.” I bought new socks that were a bit more expensive than I would normally buy, I bought myself my favorite flowers, and so many more small, little things. I also did a big thing, like traveling to a city I’ve never been! We were in Vegas when I turned 34!

I soaked up every single day of birthday month….as I do every year. It’s the one time of the year you can be unapologetically selfish…I mean don’t make a habit of it…but, every single person deserves to be selfish at some point. I mean this is your one and only life, right? So, why not take the month of your birthday to enjoy every second.

So, maybe you’re new to this and need some ideas. Well, you’re in luck! I’ve made a list just in case you need some help thinking of ways to celebrate. Now, if you’re like me and you’re a big self-care person already, some of these may not be “special”. For instance, I take long, hot, bubble baths 5 to 6 times a week..so, that’s not really a “treat” for me…but, it may be for you!

Now without further ado….”Birthday Month Ideas”

  • Send yourself flowers…or go grab a bouquet from a local store, put them in a pretty vase and display them. I promise they will brighten your day.

  • Splurge on a new bath bomb or bubble bath and relax in the tub! Lock the door, put on headphones, and ignore the children. Or, just wait until they fall asleep….that’s the safer option.

  • Buy that cupcake you’ve been eyeing. Or instead of the regular candy bar you treat yourself to, upgrade to the more expensive version….and don’t share with anyone. Even if you have to eat it in the bathroom with the door locked. Look, a mom has to do what a mom has to do.

  • Stop at the Farmer’s Market and walk around.

  • Sign up for that 5k you’ve been wanting to do.

  • Take a walk, just get away for 20 minutes with headphones on.

  • Pay someone to clean your house. This is a huge one. Stop letting the dishes and laundry drive you crazy! Pay someone to clean it for you, and while they do that, go sit at the local coffee shop. I mean, it’s your birthday month…you shouldn’t have to clean.

  • Have someone do a makeover on you. Chances are you have a friend that sells makeup, I’m certain she would love to showcase her products on you!

  • Take yourself to that restaurant you’ve been dying to go to. Don’t wait on your significant other to book reservations, just do it yourself! Then let them know what time y’all need to be there.

  • Go sit out by the lake, or ocean, or somewhere that you can clear your head and read…or just think.

  • Start a new book or journal.

  • Book a massage, or pedicure, or manicure….or hell, do all three.

  • Buy yourself new panties…those always make me feel like a new person.

  • Bake yourself a cake.

  • Get a babysitter and go do whatever you want!

  • Take a trip! We went to Vegas this year (blog coming soon about that!) because I had never been!

  • Plan a movie night with all your favorite movies.

  • Make a birthday month playlist with all your favorite songs and jam the heck out of it every time you’re in the car….even if your kids complain. They may not know who Britney Spears is yet, but they’re gonna learn quick.

  • Start at that new gym, or workout class, you’ve been meaning to start.

  • Sign up for a cooking class, or art class, or any type of class!

  • Go hiking

  • Go kayaking or stand up paddle boarding…better yet, go stand up paddle boarding while drinking wine. Now that’s a party.

There are no rules on how you should celebrate your month. The key is that you celebrate your life! We shouldn’t wait for others to celebrate us. I feel like when we do that, we allow for disappointment because they may not celebrate us in the way we think they should. So, instead, celebrate yourself! Then you’ll never be disappointed.

I celebrate my birthday because it’s another year I get with the people I love.

I celebrate because someone somewhere is taking their last breath and they don’t get the chance to celebrate.

I celebrate because I’m insanely blessed to have this life.

…..and so should you.

Asquared Review {The Rustic}

Since this is the first of many Asquared Reviews… Let me give a brief description of what these will be and what in the world Asquared even is.

According to Urban Dictionary, Asquared is “The two most amazing girls ever. Both of their names happen to start with an A. They are super cute and both have a nice ass. They are the life of the party. “ However, since Aaron is a guy and not a girl…we’re going to change it to fit us. We are pretty amazing…both our names start with A, obviously, we’re both pretty cute and we definitely work on these booties in the gym. So if the shoe fits, you wear it. Thus the name Asquared!

So, what’s the review about?! One second…don’t get ahead of me! So, every time Aaron comes home from the oil rig, we try to go somewhere we’ve never been. Whether it’s a cool new place nearby, a fun place we stumbled upon on a day trip, or somewhere we fly to! Every single time I always say, we have to tell people about this place. So, welcome to the mother effin’ Asquared Review!!! I hope you enjoy these, and I hope you visit these places out if given the chance!

Now let’s get to this review!

The Rustic {Downtown Houston}

The Rustic 1.jpg

Two weeks ago, Aaron came home and we knew we didn’t want to do anything crazy because we have an out of state trip booked for next month. However, we did want to take a day trip and just get away from the house. So, we loaded up and drove to Houston! For us, it’s about a two hour drive, not bad to get a different view for a day. We started with Ikea because we’ve been looking for inspiration for some home renovations we’re doing…and even though Ikea may make you lose your Jesus while you’re assembling…nothing beats their showroom to spark some ideas!

After we finished we wanted to try out a new place, so I googled a few options and somehow managed to find The Rustic. Now, sometimes the places I find are super cool…and sometimes they’re a bust. It’s 50/50, honestly. The first thing that grabbed me was “backyard atmosphere” and “farm to table ingredients”…sold. So, I made Aaron drive from one side of Houston to the middle, just to try it out. All while keeping my fingers crossed that it would be worth it!

As soon as we walked up, I knew I had chosen a winning spot…insert happy dance! The entrance is super rustic, I should’ve know given the name (face palm). You’re greeted with the sign “Welcome Home”….and that’s how it felt. As soon as you walk in the large bar is right in front of you, lemme make myself comfortable! Looking out to the left is a massive stage which has live music 7 days a week, and then off both sides of the stage are open areas for outside drinking and socializing. This was our kind of environment.

So, we did what we do best, and we “bellied” up to the bar. Now, I had done a little searching to find what they were known for…and it seems as though their signature drink is the “The Rimy Rita” which is a Dulce Vida Lime, raspberry liqueur, Cointreau, sangria popsicle & frozen margarita…Y’all. The. Drink. Comes. With. A. Sangria. Popsicle…..Take my money.  It was as delicious as it sounds. Aaron ordered beer. Who knows what kind really because beer is beer….and a margarita with a sangria popsicle is that of which the heavens are made. (Image in slideshow at the bottom)

We decided we’d have an appetizer and the bartender said his personal favorite were the “Tamales Three Ways”…I always like to ask the bartenders and servers their favorites because they know what the people like. He was spot on. Just order it. Don’t ask why. Just do it.

Of course, we weren’t finished, so we continued to drink and eat our way through the next hour and a half. We tried the Tito’s Lemonade next….house-made lemonade and vodka. Enough said. Then I moved on to the Frosé….because I’m fancy like that. Yes…it’s frozen Rosé with strawberry sherbet. It’s as good as it sounds…and as classy also. I drank with my pinky up because #extraaf. Aaron switched from beer to try the “Let’er Buck” which is a whiskey and vanilla cocktail. He said it was delicious but then switched back to beer because Happy Hour.  Which, btw, is amazing…their Happy Hour is from 3pm-6pm…it includes all beer, house wines and the Frosé….from 3-4 those drinks are $3, from 4-5 they’re $4 and from 5-6 they’re $5.

Now for those that are sitting there on your judgmental stools thinking….did you just drink?! Like is that all you did?! Maybe…but, no, we did eat…and the food that was brought out to us could’ve fed a family of 17. We did the “Dining with a Friend” option on the menu and ordered the brisket. Seriously, it could have fed us for days…but someone left it in the car that night when we got home…so it was ruined. Not gonna name any names…but like Shaggy once said, “it wasn’t me.”

We did step away from the bar and wander outside to check things out. The high wooden fence makes you feel like you’re in a backyard vs downtown Houston. They have washer boards and all sorts of outdoorsy activities. The women’s bathroom, weird topic but whatev, had the coolest quote ever. I HAD to have a picture of Aaron in front of it, so we stalked the area until the coast was clear and then we both ran in, snapped the pic and ran out! Yes, we’re that basic….but it made for a cute pic and a fun story.

All in all, we would go back to the place for sure. Which says a lot. Many places are like, mehhh it’s alright. This one though was amazing. If you’re around the downtown Houston area..give it a go and get the Sangria popsicle.

First Time Cruisers

I’m super spontaneous.

You should know this from the start.

I’m a grab what you need, get in the car, and let’s see where we go. Or sometimes, I’m a get in the car, let’s go and we’ll grab necessities on the way.

This vacation was the same way. I texted Aaron one day while he was at work and said, “Hey, guess what?! I just booked a cruise, we leave next week.” He knows now to just roll with it because memories will be made.

So, we set out, with the two kiddos on our very first cruise. We sailed out of Galveston with Carnival on their ship, Valor.

Now, I’m not a travel snob by any means…but I am used to  4 or 5 star resorts…

So, for starters, this is not a 5 star resort. Go in with the mind that this is the Wal-Mart of cruise lines….I prefer Target, but hey, it was what it was. The look of the ship wasn’t going to stop us from having a blast….and we did! So, let’s get to the good stuff!

Advice for first time cruisers:

  • We checked in on the Carnival app before getting to the ship (download the app! It makes life simple!). We had a scheduled time to arrive so the process would flow smoothly. We parked at EZ Cruise Parking in Galveston (also made our reservations and paid online before arriving), and they made our life super easy. Took our luggage and carried us to the ship with ease! I highly recommend these guys!

  • You can arrive to the ship before your scheduled time! Which we did! We packed a carry on backpack that had swimsuits and goggles because the moment you get checked in, you can start eating and swimming…and drinking. More info on that in a bit. Our room wasn’t ready for about 2 hours, and it was around 3 hours before our luggage arrived. So, having a carry on bag was super convenient…because the kids were ready to play…and by play I mean swim!

  • Now for the drinking part….you can purchase several things on the app before arriving to the ship…and it’s actually cheaper that way. Most things have to be purchased at least 24 hours before check in though…so remember that. We bought both the Cheers card and the Bubbles card. One is for adults and one is for adults or children that do not partake in the art of alcohol consumption. Something to note, if one person in the cabin buys the Cheers card, everyone 21 and older must also purchase. If you’re not big drinkers, honestly, it may not be worth it.

  • The Cheers Card: Alright, so this card allows you up to 15 alcoholic beverages per day. The drinks must be spaced 5 minutes apart. If it were me, and you want your money’s worth…order the Long Island Iced Tea…it comes with like 4 shots of alcohol…so 1 Long Island (4 shots) or a Coke Zero with vodka (1 shot) are equal to one drink. I don’t get it…but you’re welcome. Here’s the tricky part…if you’re cruising out of Galveston with Carnival (no other port or cruise line has this rule) your alcohol card doesn’t activate until the second day….so, that first day when the little guys are offering you rum punch drinks…you’re paying for those, friend. Aaron was adamant that he was going to get all 15 of his drinks every single day….he never once succeeded. So there’s that. Still, I think the card was worth it. It also includes smoothies, speciality coffees, and all sodas.

  • The Bubbles Card: This is for the non-drinkers that want something other than lemonade, unsweet tea and water. Next time, we honestly probably won’t purchase this for the kids…because you can just use your Cheers card to get them a sprite or soda of choice. I mean, yeah it’s breaking the rules….but rules are meant to be broken, right? Carnival will never sponsor me because of this tip right here.

  • Each adult can bring one bottle of wine or bottle of champagne (750ml). Make sure you bring it on your carry on, not your checked luggage. The opposite of airport security! We had ours confiscated because we packed it in our checked luggage. Luckily, we explained the situation and they gave it back *happy dance*. Also, bring a corkscrew…otherwise they will charge you a $15 corkage fee. Once again…you’re welcome.

  • Each person can also bring a 12 pack of canned soda, juice, energy drinks, etc.

  • We didn’t bring these, but next time we will….clips to hook our beach towels to our beach chairs! Not imperative, but would be nice to have.

  • Also, if you don’t plan on setting your alarm for an ungodly morning time, don’t plan on getting a beach chair near any pool….or one at all, honestly. The key is setting the alarm, clipping your towel to the chair, then eating breakfast and doing whatever else you may want to do. Needless to say….we rarely ever found a beach chair…because #sleep.

  • Camp Ocean! This is amazing and our kids loved it!!! They have activities, snacks, games, computers, etc for kids of all ages…it comes with the ship, so no extra charge UNLESS you leave them for the Night Owl program which is from 10 pm-1 am. We only did that once…and it was because the kids insisted they wanted to stay for a little bit longer. Utilize Camp Ocean! It gives you some time to have your adult fun, while the kids also have kid fun!

  • You’re going to get lost on the ship. It’s inevitable. It’s huge and so confusing at first. By the last day, you’ll finally have it down.

  • Pack at least one light cardigan or sweatshirt because it can be cold on the ship.

  • If you port in Cozumel…don’t book an excursion through the ship unless there is something you’re dying to do! You can walk to the taxi station, grab a cab for $15 and have them drive you to Paradise Beach. The pool is heated and huge, unlike the Mr. Sanchos that you can book through the cruise....their pool is not heated in the cooler months and the pool is small. Paradise Beach has beach chairs, huge inflatables for the kids to play on, kayaking, and you can buy an all-inclusive pass that gets you all the food and drinks you could ever want! That’s what we did….we like to eat…and drink. Our kids probably had 14 banana split smoothies that day…worth it.

  • There are so many things to do on the ship! Karaoke was our nightly hangout! The comedy club is hysterical. The piano bar was amazing. The Alchemy Bar was my personal favorite bar on the entire ship. The menus light up and the drinks were phenomenal.

Seriously though, all in all, it was a blast! It is definitely a very family friendly ship and vacation. We take our kids somewhere every Christmas instead of doing presents….more than likely we will do another cruise! Possibly a 5 day one this time…and maybe with Royal Caribbean….but Carnival was amazing and fun!